HydroTerra Technologies, LLC is a full service land and hydrographic surveying firm, specializing in inshore and near shore shallow water hydrographic surveying and a wide range of land survey services. Although initially formed as a consulting firm, we have expanded our initial focus and capabilities to provide a wide array of land and hydrographic surveying services to a diverse variety of clientele. Using the latest technology and innovative techniques, HydroTerra Technologies, LLC provides cost-effective land and hydrographic solutions to our clients including; oil and gas well location surveys, pipeline and utility route surveys, right-of-way mapping, dredging support surveys, site clearance and investigation, hazard surveys, bathymetric surveys, GIS acquisition and development, consulting and training, and mapping and charting.

Firm personnel have extensive land and hydrographic experience in the acquisition, interpretation, and mapping of onshore, inshore and near-shore projects including oil and gas infrastructure projects, pipeline route surveys, dredging channel projects, and coastal reclamation and remediation projects. HydroTerra Technologies, LLC has licensed surveyors (LA, TX, AR, MS, OK, AL, FL, and TN) and an ACSM Certified Hydrographer on staff; our employees are experienced in the use of cesium magnetometers, digital side scan sonar, sub-bottom profilers, precision echo-sounders, differential global positioning systems, RTK GPS systems, conventional survey equipment, Hypack navigational software, and underwater digital video and photography. HydroTerra Technologies, LLC is based in southern Louisiana, but has the ability to operate efficiently throughout the Continental U.S. and its territories.